Applications of Label Adhesive | Chemix Guru

Label Adhesive of bottle of wine

Applications of Label Adhesive

Label adhesive is one of the most popular adhesives in Chemix Guru’s product line. However, label adhesive is not as easy as its name. There are actually several different kinds of label adhesives and we would like to provide several tips to help each of our clients find the right label adhesive to meet each application.

Which Adhesive should be Applied?

This question is very common because many of our clients find the label glue they used before doesn’t work well on the label with new applications. Because many factors, such as the base materials and equipment should be taken into consideration, we can get down to brass tacks for the application of label and find out the glue suitable for your demand.

Permanent, Semi-Permanent, and Removable Adhesive

There are three basic types of label adhesive;

Permanent Adhesive

Adhesive for permanent labels is the most common type of glue, from supermarket to the beverage on your hand, you can see it everywhere. Once the permanent label has been attached to the surface, it would be really difficult to be removed without the solvent or glue remover. Removing a permanent label usually leads to a damaged label. It can be applied to most nonporous surfaces like plastic bottles, glass, and paper products.

CG-12098 Adhesive for Commercial Label
CG-18656 Adhesive for Anti-forgery Label
CG-18728 Adhesive Glue for PET material/ PET film label
CG-18149L1 Adhesive for Security Label 
CG-18039 Adhesive for wine Label
CG-18422 Adhesive for Frozen Label Sticker

Semi-Permanent Adhesive

When you attach the label with semi-permanent adhesive on subtract, in the beginning, it will have a similar feature as the removable label. Then, after maturing, it will be a permanent label and hard to be removed. This feature can enhance the flexibility of the production process.

Removable adhesive

Labels coated with removable adhesive will hold on to the surface and easy to be peel off without destroying the surface or label. Leaving no trace while peeled off is one of its most remarkable features. One example of the removable label adhesives is the adhesive for sticky notes, which can be reused again and again.

CG-18403 No Glue Residue Adhesive For Protective Film 

CG-18462A Acrylic Glue for Removable Sticker


We can help you find the correct label adhesive

After you have an idea of the classifications of label adhesives, Chemixguru will provide a free sample for the trial production. Our professional sales team ensures you won’t waste time and resources on not suitable label adhesive. Whether you have a lot of technical requirements or just want to choose the correct label adhesive, our experts will be happy to help you solve all of the problems about adhesive.

Request Free Sample for trial production:

Please contact us(hyperlink) for free sample of the adhesive, only courier fee is charged.
Click the message icon on the lower right corner to send us your request.


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